Cognitive behavioural interventions in addictive disorders PMC

Participants with controlled use goals in this center are typically able to achieve less problematic (38%) or non-problematic (32%) use, while a minority achieve abstinence with (8%) or without (6%) incidental relapse (outcomes were not separately assessed for those with AUD vs. DUD; Schippers & Nelissen, 2006). Elucidating the “active ingredients” of CBT treatments remains … ادامه مطلب

Alcohol-Related Neurologic Disease: Types, Signs, Treatment

Pregnancy can add another complicated layer to your migraine journey, but having a strong support system will make it easier to navigate the ups and downs. You can find additional support from people in your position and those who have already experienced pregnancy with migraine in our Move Against Migraine Facebook group. This Diagnosis & … ادامه مطلب
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